Hyphenation of torture

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word torture ? This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of torture :

Extreme mental distress
Unbearable physical pain
Intense feelings of suffering
Acute mental or physical pain An agony of doubt The torments of the damned
The act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean
The deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason
It required unnatural torturing to extract a confession
Torment emotionally or mentally
Subject to torture
The sinners will be tormented in Hell
According to the Bible

Synonyms of torture :

noun anguish, torment, distress, hurt, suffering
noun torment, pain, hurting
noun agony, torment, suffering, hurt
noun distortion, overrefinement, straining, twisting, falsification, misrepresentaation
noun torturing, persecution
verb torment, excruciate, rack, pain, anguish, hurt
verb excruciate, torment, injure, wound

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