Hyphenation of planned

Are you trying to hyphenate planned ? Unfortunately it cannot be hyphenated because it only contains one syllable.


Definitions of planned :

Have the will and intention to carry out some action
He plans to be in graduate school next year The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion
Make plans for something
He is planning a trip with his family
Make or work out a plan for
Devise They contrived to murder their boss Design a new sales strategy Plan an attack
Make a design of
Plan out in systematic, often graphic form Design a better mousetrap Plan the new wing of the museum
Designed or carried out according to a plan
The planned outlays for new equipment
Planned in advance
With malice aforethought

Synonyms of planned :

adj planned, conceived, formed, deep-laid, designed, prearranged, projected, proposed, put-up, contrived, preset, predetermined, intended, premeditated
adj aforethought, plotted, premeditated

Last hyphenations of this language