Hyphenation of isolation

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word isolation ? This word can be hyphenated and contains 3 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of isolation :

A state of separation between persons or groups
A feeling of being disliked and alone
The act of isolating something
Setting something apart from others
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which memory of an unacceptable act or impulse is separated from the emotion originally associated with it
A country's withdrawal from international politics
He opposed a policy of American isolation

Synonyms of isolation :

noun separation
nounclosing off, separation
noun alienation, disaffection, estrangement
noun reclusiveness, solitariness
noundefense mechanism, defense reaction, defence mechanism, defence reaction, defense, defence
noun non-engagement, nonparticipation, non-involvement

Last hyphenations of this language