Hyphenation of iNFORMAL

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word iNFORMAL ? This word can be hyphenated and contains 3 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of iNFORMAL :

Not formal
Conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress An informal free-and-easy manner An informal gathering of friends
Not officially recognized or controlled
An informal agreement A loose organization of the local farmers
Used of spoken and written language
Having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere
Had a cozy chat A relaxed informal manner An intimate cocktail lounge The small room was cozy and intimate

Synonyms of iNFORMAL :

adj informal, casual, everyday, free-and-easy, casual, folksy, unceremonious, unceremonial
adj loose, unofficial
adj informal, colloquial, conversational, common, vernacular, vulgar, epistolary, epistolatory, slangy, subliterary, unliterary, nonliterary, unrhetorical
adj cozy, intimate, friendly

Last hyphenations of this language