Hyphenation of golden

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word golden ? This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of golden :

Having the deep slightly brownish color of gold
Long aureate (or golden) hair A gold carpet
Marked by peace and prosperity
A golden era The halcyon days of the clipper trade
Made from or covered with gold
Gold coins The gold dome of the Capitol The golden calf Gilded icons
Supremely favored
Golden lads and girls all must / like chimney sweepers come to dust
Suggestive of gold
A golden voice
Presaging or likely to bring good luck
A favorable time to ask for a raise Lucky stars A prosperous moment to make a decision

Synonyms of golden :

adj aureate, gilded, gilt, gold, chromatic
adj halcyon, prosperous, happy
adj gold, gilded, metallic
adj favored, fortunate, blessed, blest
adj euphonious, euphonous
adj favorable, auspicious

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