Hyphenation of crucify

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word crucify? This word can be hyphenated and contains 3 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of crucify:

Kill by nailing onto a cross
Jesus Christ was crucified
Treat cruelly
The children tormented the stuttering teacher
Hold within limits and control
Subdue one's appetites Mortify the flesh
Criticize harshly or violently
The press savaged the new President The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage

Synonyms of crucify:

verb execute, put to death
verb torment, rag, bedevil, dun, frustrate, harass, hassle, harry, chivy, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provoke
verb savage, pillory, knock, criticize, criticise, pick apart

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