Hyphenation of circulate

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word circulate ? This word can be hyphenated and contains 3 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of circulate :

Become widely known and passed on
The rumor spread The story went around in the office
Cause to become widely known
Spread information Circulate a rumor Broadcast the news
Cause be distributed
This letter is being circulated among the faculty
Move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point
Blood circulates in my veins The air here does not circulate
Move in circles
Cause to move in a circuit or system
The fan circulates the air in the room
Move around freely
She circulates among royalty
Cause to move around
Circulate a rumor

Synonyms of circulate :

verbgo around, spread, travel, go, move, locomote
verb circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, spread, diffuse, disperse, pass around, publicize, publicise, air, bare
verbpass around, pass on, distribute, move, displace
verb run, flow, feed, course
verb circle, travel, go, move, locomote
verb move, displace
verb travel, go, move, locomote
verb mobilize, mobilise, move, displace

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