Hyphenation of Thin

Are you trying to hyphenate Thin? Unfortunately it cannot be hyphenated because it only contains one syllable.


Definitions of Thin:

Lose thickness
Become thin or thinner
Make thin or thinner
Thin the solution
Lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
Cut bourbon
Take off weight
Of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section
Thin wire A thin chiffon blouse A thin book A thin layer of paint
Lacking excess flesh
You can't be too rich or too thin Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look-Shakespeare
Very narrow
A thin line across the page
Not dense
A thin beard Trees were sparse
Relatively thin in consistency or low in density
Not viscous Air is thin at high altitudes A thin soup Skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk Thin oil
(of sound) lacking resonance or volume
A thin feeble cry
Lacking spirit or sincere effort
A thin smile
Lacking substance or significance
Slight evidence A tenuous argument A thin plot A fragile claim to fame
Without viscosity
The blood was flowing thin

Synonyms of Thin:

adj thin, bladed, capillary, hairlike, compressed, flat, depressed, diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, see-through, sheer, transparent, vaporous, cobwebby, filamentous, filiform, filamentlike, threadlike, thready, fine, flimsy, light, hyperfine, paper thin, papery, sleazy, slender, tenuous, wafer-thin, chiffon, ribbonlike, ribbony, narrow, lean
adj thin, lean, anorexic, anorectic, bony, cadaverous, emaciated, gaunt, haggard, pinched, skeletal, wasted, deep-eyed, hollow-eyed, sunken-eyed, fine-drawn, gangling, gangly, lanky, lank, spindly, rawboned, reedy, reedlike, twiggy, twiglike, scarecrowish, scraggy, scrawny, skinny, underweight, weedy, shriveled, shrivelled, shrunken, withered, wizen, wizened, slender, slight, slim, slender-waisted, slim-waisted, wasp-waisted, spare, trim, spindle-legged, spindle-shanked, stringy, wiry, wisplike, wispy, ectomorphic
adj slender, narrow
adj flimsy, slight, tenuous, weak
adj sparse, distributed
adj thin, tenuous, rare, rarefied, rarified
adj thin, pale
adj spiritless
verbchange state, turn
verb reduce, cut down, cut back, trim, trim down, trim back, cut, bring down
verb dilute, thin out, reduce, cut, weaken
verb reduce, melt off, lose weight, slim, slenderize, slim down, change state, turn
adv thinly

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