Hyphenation of Stunned

Are you trying to hyphenate Stunned? Unfortunately it cannot be hyphenated because it only contains one syllable.


Definitions of Stunned:

Make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow
Stun fish
Hit something or somebody as if with a sandbag
Overcome as with astonishment or disbelief
The news stunned her
Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock
An amazed audience gave the magician a standing ovation I stood enthralled
Astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral
Astounded viewers wept at the pictures from the Oklahoma City bombing Stood in stunned silence Stunned scientists found not one but at least three viruses
Knocked unconscious by a heavy blow
In a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock
He had a dazed expression on his face Lay semiconscious
Stunned (or stupefied) by the blow
Was stupid from fatigue

Synonyms of Stunned:

adj amazed, astonied, astonished, astounded, surprised
adjknocked out, kayoed, KO'd, out, unconscious
adj dazed, stupefied, stupid, confused

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