Hyphenation of Slick

Are you trying to hyphenate Slick? Unfortunately it cannot be hyphenated because it only contains one syllable.


Definitions of Slick:

A slippery smoothness
He could feel the slickness of the tiller
A magazine printed on good quality paper
A film of oil or garbage floating on top of water
A trowel used to make a surface slick
Make slick or smooth
Give a smooth and glossy appearance
Slick one's hair
Made slick by e.g. ice or grease
Sidewalks slick with ice Roads are slickest when rain has just started and hasn't had time to wash away the oil
Having only superficial plausibility
Glib promises A slick commercial
Having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light
Glossy auburn hair Satiny gardenia petals Sleek black fur Silken eyelashes Silky skin A silklike fabric Slick seals and otters
Marked by skill in deception
Cunning men often pass for wise Deep political machinations A foxy scheme A slick evasive answer Sly as a fox Tricky Dick A wily old attorney

Synonyms of Slick:

adj glossy, satiny, sleek, silken, silky, silklike, smooth
adj slippery, slippy
adj glib, pat, plausible
adj crafty, cunning, dodgy, foxy, guileful, knavish, sly, tricksy, tricky, wily, artful
noun slickness, slipperiness, slip, smoothness
nounslick magazine, magazine, mag
noun film
noun trowel
verb sleek, polish, smooth, smoothen, shine
verbslick down, sleek down, comb, comb out, disentangle

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