Hyphenation of Reach

Are you trying to hyphenate Reach? Unfortunately it cannot be hyphenated because it only contains one syllable.


Definitions of Reach:

The limits within which something can be effective
Range of motion He was beyond the reach of their fire
An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: the range of a supersonic jet
A piano has a greater range than the human voice The ambit of municipal legislation Within the compass of this article Within the scope of an investigation Outside the reach of the law In the political orbit of a world power
The act of physically reaching or thrusting out
The limit of capability
Within the compass of education
Reach a destination, either real or abstract
We hit Detroit by noon The water reached the doorstep We barely made it to the finish line I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts
Reach a point in time, or a certain state or level
The thermometer hit 100 degrees This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour
Move forward or upward in order to touch
Also in a metaphorical sense Government reaches out to the people
Be in or establish communication with
Our advertisements reach millions He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia
To gain with effort
She achieved her goal despite setbacks
To extend as far as
The sunlight reached the wall Can he reach? The chair must not touch the wall
Reach a goal, e.g., make the first team
We made it! She may not make the grade
Place into the hands or custody of
Hand me the spoon
Turn the files over to me
He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers
To exert much effort or energy
Straining our ears to hear

Synonyms of Reach:

noun range, limit
noun scope, range, orbit, compass, ambit, extent
noun reaching, stretch, motion, movement, move, motility
noun compass, range, grasp, capability, capableness, potentiality
verb make, attain, hit, arrive at, gain
verb hit, attain, arrive, get, come
verbreach out, move, reach out
verbget through, get hold of, contact, communicate, intercommunicate
verb achieve, accomplish, attain, succeed, win, come through, bring home the bacon, deliver the goods
verbextend to, touch, be, reach out, reach into
verb make, get to, progress to, achieve, accomplish, attain
verb pass, hand, pass on, turn over, give, transfer
verb strive, strain, tug, labor, labour, push, drive

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