Hyphenation of Lonely

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word Lonely? This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of Lonely:

Lacking companions or companionship
He was alone when we met him She is alone much of the time The lone skier on the mountain A lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel A lonely soul A solitary traveler
Marked by dejection from being alone
Felt sad and lonely The loneliest night of the week Lonesome when her husband is away Spent a lonesome hour in the bar
Characterized by or preferring solitude
A lone wolf A lonely existence A man of a solitary disposition A solitary walk
Devoid of creatures
A lonely crossroads A solitary retreat A trail leading to an unfrequented lake

Synonyms of Lonely:

adj alone, lone, solitary, unaccompanied
adj lonesome, dejected
adj solitary, unfrequented, inaccessible, unaccessible
adj solitary, unsocial

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