Hyphenation of HOPELESS

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word HOPELESS? This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of HOPELESS:

Without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success
In an agony of hopeless grief With a hopeless sigh he sat down
Of a person unable to do something skillfully
I'm hopeless at mathematics
Certain to fail
The situation is hopeless
(informal to emphasize how bad it is) beyond hope of management or reform
She handed me a hopeless jumble of papers He is a hopeless romantic

Synonyms of HOPELESS:

adj hopeless, abject, resigned, unhopeful, black, bleak, dim, despairing, desperate, despondent, heartsick, forlorn, futureless, gloomy, grim, darkening, helpless, lost, insoluble, discouraging, impossible, pessimistic
adj unskilled
adj impossible
adj bad

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