Hyphenation of Foolish

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word Foolish? This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of Foolish:

Devoid of good sense or judgment
Foolish remarks A foolish decision
Having or revealing stupidity
Ridiculous anserine behavior A dopey answer A dopey kid Some fool idea about rewriting authors' books

Synonyms of Foolish:

adj foolish, absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous, asinine, fatuous, inane, mindless, vacuous, cockamamie, cockamamy, goofy, sappy, silly, wacky, whacky, zany, unreasonable, fond, harebrained, insane, mad, ill-conceived, misguided, rattlebrained, rattlepated, scatterbrained, scatty, unwise, impolitic, imprudent, inadvisable, unadvisable, ill-advised, unadvised
adj anserine, dopy, dopey, goosey, goosy, gooselike, stupid

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