Hyphenation of Communicative

Wondering how to hyphenate the English word Communicative ? This word can be hyphenated and contains 4 syllables as shown below.


Definitions of Communicative :

Of or relating to communication
Communicative arts
Able or tending to communicate
Was a communicative person and quickly told all she knew- W.M.Thackeray

Synonyms of Communicative :

adjsocial relation
adj communicative, communicatory, anecdotic, anecdotal, anecdotical, Bantu-speaking, blabbermouthed, leaky, talebearing, tattling, chatty, gossipy, newsy, English-speaking, expansive, talkative, expressive, Finno-Ugric-speaking, Flemish-speaking, French-speaking, Gaelic-speaking, German-speaking, gesticulating, gestural, nonverbal, gestural, sign, signed, sign-language, heraldic, Icelandic-speaking, Italian-speaking, Japanese-speaking, Kannada-speaking, Livonian-speaking, narrative, nonverbal, nonverbal, Oscan-speaking, outspoken, vocal, Russian-speaking, Samoyedic-speaking, Semitic-speaking, Siouan-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Turkic-speaking, verbal, yarn-spinning, communicable, communicational, openhearted, articulate, voluble

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